17 May 2024

STATEMENT: Infrastructure Progress Review 2024

The National Infrastructure Commission’s report, published yesterday, is an annual assessment of the UK Government’s progress towards implementing its infrastructure commitments. Dimeta embraces several recommendations outlined in the report, specifically emphasizing the importance of long-term funding to enable the implementation of low-carbon heating solutions.

The National Infrastructure Commission has warned that the UK needs to scale up and speed up infrastructure delivery to achieve its net zero ambitions.


Dimeta welcomes many of the recommendations made in the Infrastructure Progress Report, including a call for long-term funding to deliver low-carbon heat across the public sector estate, social housing, and low-income households. This will be critical if we are to ensure a just net zero transition.


We also welcome recognition of the critical role of the circular economy in reducing emissions. However, in aiming to reduce incineration for energy generation, it is vital that efficient waste-to-fuels and chemicals processes are not unintentionally affected. Converting non-recyclable, residual waste into valuable molecules such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel or DME – which can support hard-to-abate sectors – should be encouraged and supported.


Ahead of the upcoming general election, we call on the major parties to commit to a review of the UK’s waste hierarchy so that we can facilitate a transition to a greener and more circular economy. We also call for the urgent development of a sustainable taxonomy to drive investor confidence in the wide range of solutions which, together, will be needed to get the UK to net zero.”

Sophia Haywood, Director of Advocacy & Communications